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Attribute: 21cm

Material: Natural Chinese medicines and herbals



This incense can be offered to those who wish to pray for the blessings of Medicine Master Bodhisattva to reduce the suffering of illness, or to tame the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance, or even to save relatives and friends who have passed away due to illness so that they can receive the blessings of Medicine Master Bodhisattva and be liberated from pain.


Medicine Buddha (Health) removes obstacles to the healing of physical, mental, and spiritual health. It also provides a healthy environment for reaching enlightenment. Tibetan Lamas advise meditation with Medicine Buddha to their disciples to subdue physical and mental diseases. Medicine Buddha incense is often used to relieve sickness or for the deceased. The scent of Medicine Buddha (Health) is the gentle uplifting fragrance of freshly cut Himalayan healing herbs.


For the creation of this special incense a “mother” blend of sacred substances is gathered and rolled into small blessing pills called “mendrup”. These sacred pills, blessed by many realized Tibetan masters, are combined with other rare herbal, medicinal, and precious mineral ingredients to produce high quality incense that carries many profound blessings.

Medicine Buddha Eight Tathagatas Heavenly incense


    Essential Items